Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Simfoni Hitam-Sherina Munaf

Malam sunyi kuimpikanmu
Kulukiskan cita bersama
Namun s’lalu aku bertanya
Adakah aku di mimpimu

Cinta rindu beradu satu
Namun s’lalu aku bertanya
Adakah aku di hatimu

T’lah kunyanyikan alunan-alunan senduku
T’lah kubisikkan cerita-cerita gelapku
T’lah kuabaikan mimpi-mimpi dan ambisiku
Tapi mengapa ku takkan bisa sentuh hatimu

Bila saja kau di sisiku
‘Kan ku beri kau segalanya
Namun tak henti aku bertanya
Adakah aku di rindumu

Tak bisakah kau sedikit saja dengar aku
Dengar simfoniku
Simfoni hanya untukmu….

T’lah kuabaikan mimpi-mimpi dan ambisiku
Tapi mengapa ku takkan bisa sentuh hatimu

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011


Made a wrong turn
Once or twice
Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That's alright 

Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood
Miss "no way it's all good"
It didn't slow me down
Always second guessing
Look, I'm still around...

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You're fuckin' perfect to me

You're so mean
When you talk
About yourself
You are wrong
Change the voices
In your head
Make them like you
So complicated
Look how big you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game

It's enough
I've done all i can think of
Chased down all my demons
see you same

The world stares while i swallow the fear
The only thing i should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and I tried tried
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics, cuz they're everywhere
They don't like my genes, they don't get my hair
Stringe ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that?
Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?

NB: Buat siapapun yang suka merasa dirinya sampah,BUKA PIKIRAN LO!

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Dragonfly fly away.....

NB: diubah jadi dragonfly yaa..huahahaha--maksa--

You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back

You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be

And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me

Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream

Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away

Go away

You never there for could i believe in you?

Senin, 18 April 2011

Cerita lucu hari ini...:D

Ok,what should i do now actually is...mandi dan ngerjain tubes gue tersayang...

BUT! gue malah gatel banget pengen nge post ini..huahhaahha bis lucuuu...heheheheh

jadi gini,tadi temen gue yang cantik tapi super galak bilang pas lagi makan bareng gue:

"Wis,pernah gak lo nargetin ntar punya cowok yang gini gini gini dan gitu gitu gitu...tapi tiba2 lo ketemu orang dan lo sering ketemu dia dan entah kenapa lo ngerasa nyaman sama dia dan tiba-tiba lo nyadar lo suka...suka banget malah. padahal yang lo targetin ga sepenuhnya ada di orang itu...pernah ga sih lo kayak gitu wis???"

(temen gue nyeritain lagi galau,gue lagi galau ayamnya dah mau abiss..gue masih laper)

Gue : yeah,I KNOW that kind of feeling... lo tau itu apa? itu yang namanya CINTA men.... kalo lo CINTA,lo ga pernah ngerti kenapa lo suka.....

Temen gue tampangnya setengah cengo setengah pengen ngakak setengah pengen ngecengin gue setengah takjub... gue yakin tampang gue lagi belagu sok serius parah pas ngomong kayak tadi....huahahahahah

tapi tiba-tiba temen gue ngomong

"iya denk,,,,lo bener..gue kayak gitu nih sekarang ma si X...."

Gue  : ----tiba tiba merasa super bijak----ngakak---

The point is...for all of you guys....--terutama cewek-- ga usah gengsi kali yeee.....karena kadang "love" itu ngedeketin lo dengan cara yang ga lo duga...mungkin aja lo di awal lo setengah mati bete ma dia tapi diending2 lo setengah mati kangen ma diaaa...hueheheheheh bahkan liat dia bentar doank lo dah seneng bangeeetttt bangeeetttt..hueheheheh

karena hukum karma itu berjalan...dan Allah mendengar doa2 orang yang teraniaya...:D

Terkadang orang yang dulunya paling lo sebel dan males kalo lo ampe ketemu bisa jadi orang yang paling lo sayaaangg dan labil kalo lama ga ketu ma dia..heueueueueu

girls,lo gamau kan jadi kayak ni cewek?? so,santai ajalaaahhh.....

karena saat "love" itu bener2 datang ke lo...bener2 langka buat ada kesempatan kedua..jangan ampe lo nyesel pas dia pergi terus kayak cewek di gambar ini...beruntunglah kalo dia mau balik lagi sama lo..berarti dia beneran sayang sama lo...:D secara cowok gengsi buat suka lagi ma cewek yang udah mentah2 nolak dia pas dulu dia nembak..hueheheheheh

udah yaa guyssss....bau nih gueee...mau mandi trus pacaran ma tubes..heheheh


Jumat, 08 April 2011


Gue kecewa ma diri gue akhir2 ini..
gue ngerasa dah ngebuang banyak waktu..
kurang bisa manajerial waktu
kurang peduli
betapa gue sering terlalu egois ma diri gue
betapa kurangnya manajerial emosi gue
betapa jarangnya gue ada untuk keluarga gue
betapa jarangnya gue ada buat orang-orang yang gue sayang...:(

Please,maafin gue....

Ya Allah,maafin wisa...T_T

Gue harus terus berdiri..


harus bisa bangkit...

masih ada matahari,masih ada harapan..

seperti kata Mariah Carey...

 "I can make it through the rain
  I can stand up once again
 On my own and I know
 That I’m strong enough to mend
 And every time I feel afraid
 I hold tighter to my faith
 And I live one more day
 And I make it through the rain"

----8 April 2011---

Kamis, 07 April 2011


Coba sekali diam dan dengarkan
Satu permintaan ku padamu
Ku tak perlu sepucuk surat cinta
Atau janji manismu padaku

Aku tak perlu setangkai bunga mawar
Atau menghitung bintang di tengah malam
Tak perlu lagi ada lagu cinta
Atau rangkaian puisi tentang kita

All the flowers you bought me
I threw it away
All the love songs you wrote me
I threw it away

The promise you gave me
I washed it away
And baby i love you
But its just not the way

Coba sekali diam dan dengarkan
Satu permintaan ku padamu
Tak perlu lagi ada lagu cinta
Atau rangkaian puisi tentang kita

Ooh baby i love you you know i do
There's nothing more i want than you
But babe that’s just not you
Its just not me
We're not that romantic
